Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 4 post surgical

I now wish I had not had the surgery.Going to the bathroom is impossible, can't go to bed, sick of my recliner, tired of not being able to do anything for myself. This is crazy. I have to take the Oxy like clockwork, yet it makes me spacey. I have literally fallen asleep sitting straight up in a chair.I feel like I am going to vomit any second.And on top of it all my foot is making me crazy. It hurts- on the top - side -bottom, toes, everything. It feels like I have a vice grip around my foot and its killing me.Crutches are impossible and even though I have a scooter to sit on- my opposite knee is now so sore.I really need to get over the "hump". Please God get me through this phase. Have I mentioned the amount of pain this surgery involves?

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