Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day three- here we go ugh oh

I woke up at 4 for my meds and my foot is killing me. Its a solid 9 on pain.  What have I done? I have decided to Blog to forget the pain- but not working.  Come on 8 am so I can have pain pills.  I feel very helpless and immobile.  I have been awake since 4- its now 730 am. Everyone in my house is asleep - Someone needs to remove the semi truck from my foot. Later that day...I was told by the Dr to take Tylenol half way between the 4 hour Oxy times.  It does very little - but I will take what I can get.I did shower this evening.  The simple strain on the foot when moving it not good.  I did get a bench for Christmas (remember my surgery was New Years Eve so I asked for this stuff for Christmas). It is a bench that goes half in the shower half out.  That was ok to do- its just hard to do anything with this heavy heavy huge splint.  Don't bother with shower bags you can buy- they don't fit over the splint.  Instead, invest in garbage bags and the saran wrap that sticks.Well my last dose of oxy just kicked in and I can no longer focus on typing, so until tomorrow! Let's hope for some good sleep!

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