Wednesday, January 6, 2016

day 5 what doesnt kill me will make me stronger?

So- I started today about 2am - I became very sick.  Being that I can't get up or hurry to toilet- I ended up throwing up in a garbage bag in my recliner.Not ideal.I think it was the craving for cereal I had at midnight.Needless to say- the pressure that put on my foot was not welcomed.I spent the rest of the night afraid to take any meds. I chose to go no more meds. That was not smart.  It was late afternoon before the Doc perscribed zofran. The pain again today was just too much. But I need to suck it up- I can't go back and change that I had the surgery.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 4 post surgical

I now wish I had not had the surgery.Going to the bathroom is impossible, can't go to bed, sick of my recliner, tired of not being able to do anything for myself. This is crazy. I have to take the Oxy like clockwork, yet it makes me spacey. I have literally fallen asleep sitting straight up in a chair.I feel like I am going to vomit any second.And on top of it all my foot is making me crazy. It hurts- on the top - side -bottom, toes, everything. It feels like I have a vice grip around my foot and its killing me.Crutches are impossible and even though I have a scooter to sit on- my opposite knee is now so sore.I really need to get over the "hump". Please God get me through this phase. Have I mentioned the amount of pain this surgery involves?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day three- here we go ugh oh

I woke up at 4 for my meds and my foot is killing me. Its a solid 9 on pain.  What have I done? I have decided to Blog to forget the pain- but not working.  Come on 8 am so I can have pain pills.  I feel very helpless and immobile.  I have been awake since 4- its now 730 am. Everyone in my house is asleep - Someone needs to remove the semi truck from my foot. Later that day...I was told by the Dr to take Tylenol half way between the 4 hour Oxy times.  It does very little - but I will take what I can get.I did shower this evening.  The simple strain on the foot when moving it not good.  I did get a bench for Christmas (remember my surgery was New Years Eve so I asked for this stuff for Christmas). It is a bench that goes half in the shower half out.  That was ok to do- its just hard to do anything with this heavy heavy huge splint.  Don't bother with shower bags you can buy- they don't fit over the splint.  Instead, invest in garbage bags and the saran wrap that sticks.Well my last dose of oxy just kicked in and I can no longer focus on typing, so until tomorrow! Let's hope for some good sleep!

Day two 1-1-16

Still no feeling in my leg or foot. Making it to a bedside commode is best at this point.  Last night they gave me morphine since the perocet was making my heart race.  Mophine- worked-but still numb.  Dr did rounds around 8 - so other then waiting for crutches I was ready to go home.  This surgery is 12 weeks non weight bearing- so - this shall be interesting. Home by 12 today. Slept, had a few visitors, still ok- starting be able to feel toes late in day. Very scared of when pain starts. Dr sent me home with Oxycodone every 4 hours.

Day one- New Year's Eve 12-31-15 surgery day

New Year's Eve 2015, Surgery day... It's a later in the day surgery than what I expected.  I arrive to the hospital at 10:30 for a 12:30 surgery. All seemed well. I had already been told I would spend one night in the hospital. Surgeon decided in pre-op to do a nerve block from the thigh down. I felt it - didn't hurt- and that was the last thing I remember.  Woke up at 4ish - took a long time in recovery. I had already requested anti nasea meds since I puked last time I had surgery.  Once awake they took me to my room. I have no pain since it was nerve blocked.  I slept most the evening in the hospital but did get to skype with my husband at home for the ball to drop.  Good night day one- glad you are over.